Social Software for Innovation and Collaboration

featuring Dreamfish and BrightIdea

Join us for an up-close look at two social software platforms designed to increase the success of your organization’s innovation and collaboration initiatives.

Dreamfish is a a new social networking platform, optimized specifically for effective organizational and personal collaboration. Loni Davis, Dreamfish’ Director of Client Success Services, will show us how Dreamfish goes beyond photo sharing and online conversation to support the further essentials of true collaboration.

BrightIdea is an innovation pipeline management platform, optimized to manage the generation, evaluation, and prototyping of your organization’s best ideas. BrightIdea’s Michelle Fairbanks will describe the BrightIdea platform and show us what’s possible beyond the initial “WebStorm”.

Web 2.0 and its Applications

How does Web 2.0 effect the world? Join us this month for a discussion about Web 2.0 and it’s applications.

Vitaly Golomb, SputnikSF
with contribution from the Society

Program Description:

Vitaly Golomb is CEO of SputnikSF (,
a privately held company providing design and technology infrastructure since
1998. Web 2.0, now in common vernacular, refers to the second generation of web-based communities and hosted services. Vitaly will offer his experience and perspectives on Web 2.0 and its ability to support business and more.

We invite you to be prepared to let us know about your own favorite Web 2.0 applications, and participate in a discussion about how it can support innovation.