4/6/2011: The Next Big Thing Isn’t a Thing

On April 6th SVII hosted Bill Veltrop, a leading “architect of generative change” and a co-founder of Monterey Institute for Social Architecture. Bill revealed his daring vision of “regional metamorphosis” and the transformation of our myriad social systems from finite to infinite games as a pathway to the Age of Conscious Evolution.
At the close of the gathering, Howard shared his conviction that Silicon Valley had more potential to demonstrate the vast promise of “regional metamorphosis” than any other region on our planet. Silicon Valley served as the incubator for the emergence of the Information Age. Howard, in effect, challenged us to unleash our resource rich region to catalyze a global movement into the Age of Conscious Evolution. Silicon Valley did it before  (Information Age). We can do it again!

SVII will host a follow-up gathering on Tuesday, May 10 from 4 – 7 PM at Serena Software. This gathering will be led by MISA, the Monterey Institute for Social Architecture. It will represent the next step in our commitment to explore growing a “generative alliance” between SVII and MISA.

The purpose of the May 10 gathering will be to attract and engage those potential game-ready infinite players (GRIPs) who see regional metamorphosis as providing the playing field for discovering and realizing their true work, their highest purpose. If you see yourself as a GRIP and are passionate about and committed to finding your place in this exciting unfolding story, you will want to attend our May 10th follow-up gathering.

In the meantime, SVII and MISA will be evolving a blog to support this initial exploratory process. It will help —

  • reinforce and elaborate on the content covered at our April 6 gathering,
  • share emerging thinking on possible paths forward for the Silicon Valley region
  • encourage questions and dialogue intended to enliven and concretize this venture
  • serve as a growing background reference for new potential GRIPs

We look forward to engaging in a deeper exploration on May 10th.

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