Is the internet destroying the current leadership models? How is innovation affecting politics? And what effect do politics have on innovation? The disconnect between the innovation community and policy makers is a serious issue. Most would agree that our livelihoods depend on a healthy, dynamic and innovative economy. What opportunities are there for the innovation community to inform the political process?
Author: admin
The Syntax of Influence
Lucy Freedman, founder of, shares the five core skills of communication for innovators to master in order to gain traction with their insights.
2/1/2012 High Tech Compost = Anaerobic Digestion + Biochar
John Miedema and Howard Sprouse present an overview of their quest to create organic “waste” management facilities yield the highest use for their inputs. Biochar was a big topic for the evening. It catalyzed a multi-disciplinary discussion that spanned topics such as agriculture, forestry and remediation.
March 7th: Interactive Dinner
Coming Soon!
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