6/7/2011: Growing a Silicon Valley Regional Metamorphosis Initiative

At SVII’s April 6 Wednesday night gathering Bill Veltrop unveiled his nomination for “The Next Big Thing” — and it wasn’t a thing. It was a strategy for growing a Societal Metamorphosis Movement, with the “region” being the primary unit of design.

The purpose of the gathering was to plant the Regional Metamorphosis seed-meme in the SVII community to see it would germinate and take root. Howard had already embraced the meme and followed up the presentation by challenging the SVII community and Silicon Valley to play a leadership role in growing a global regional metamorphosis movement.

If you haven’t viewed the video for that SVII session http://vimeo.com/22894801 we encourage you to review it. It provides a reasonably coherent context for our next steps.

At the May 10 Tuesday afternoon followup gathering at Serena Software, the Monterey Institute for Social Architecture (MISA) co-founders showed their support for growing a “Silicon Valley Regional Metamorphosis Initiative (SiV RMI).”


The purpose of this gathering is to organize our selves in a way that will support the SiV RMI seed-meme in germinating and taking root.

Below are four tasks that seem essential to gaining traction in our region — and beyond:

  1. Evolve the Story — How might we evolve our emerging story in a way that —
  • Becomes increasingly clear, coherent, concise and compelling?
  • Speaks to the various potential SiV game-ready infinite players (GRIPs) we want to attract and engage?
  • Invites these GRIPs to evolve the story in a way that includes and challenges each of them?
  • Supports it becoming viral, contagious and self-evolving?

Wanted: Translators, story-tellers, media magicians, producers, synthesizers, web masters, marketing mavens — GRIPs who together can grow this RM story in a way that will be owned throughout Silicon Valley, the Bay Area and beyond.)

  1. Communications/Collaboration — What communications/collaboration infrastructure makes the most sense at this bootstrapping stage? — and for the long term? How might we jumpstart such infrastructure immediately, in a way that is value-adding, energizing and generative?

Wanted:  Communicators, moderators, connectors, network enliveners, who can grow and implement a living, evolving “nervous system” for this emerging movement.

  1. Scouting for Generative Allies — Which SiV individuals/entities do we believe could become our most important generative allies at this bootstrapping stage? How might we best engage them?

Wanted: GRIPs who have a rich network of trusted relationships with other players who could become excited about the helping to pioneer this transformational movement. High on the list would be the Evolutionary Angels able and willing to help evolve an incubator to nurture our early growth.

  1. Becoming Self-Organizing, Self-Managing and Self-Improving — We intend that we learn to function as a generative action-learning community, where we not only become productive, but also evolve ourselves at all levels — inner mastery, relationally, in community and within the larger system.

Wanted: Emerging evolutionary architects with design, change and facilitation expertise.

Preparation for our May 7th gathering

  • Review the above video if you haven’t already done so.
  • Review the above four startup tasks to see which one(s) speak(s) to you.
  • Review your digital Rolodex and see who emerges as a potential fellow-pioneer, someone you’d like to see involved in this audacious undertaking. Then invite them, and help bring them up to speed if they want to play.
  • Connect with Bill Veltrop or Max Shkud re any questions/ideas/suggestions.

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